Wednesday 13 June 2018

Random Greece: Top Ten Tips

Yes you go for the beaches. But when in Greece, also enjoy...................

Easter eggs, Greek style
Easter: Roast lamb, red eggs, and testicle soup…..Easter is bigger than Christmas, and worth a trip in itself, unless you’re a goat, an as-yet uncastrated bull, or a vegetarian.
Frappe: Cold frothy coffee shaken and stirred. Instant but unique.
Periptera: From bottled water to worry beads; everything's for sale at the omnipresent street kiosks.
Shade: Only sun-starved skin-cancer candidates are out in midday sun. The Greeks are under umbrellas, and on the shady side of the street.
Pretty colours trump dead animals

Sponges: Those who prefer synthetic over dead go for the super-practical, pastel and marbled sponges in every Greek supermarket; soft on one side and scouring on the other. Some of us have carried them about the world for decades: they weigh nothing. If you’re too cheap to buy a sponge, pick up free pumice stones on volcanic beaches.

OTC Antibiotics: From antibiotic ear drops to broad spectrum 10 day courses, get them over the counter at the pharmakio, for when your doctor claims you’re fine, but you know you have pneumonia.
Retsina: Interchangeable with antibiotics above, happily, nothing else tastes quite like resin-matured wine….though the Greeks say no one drinks it any more. 😕
Plug in mosquito repellents: One wonders what one is inhaling, but these liquid-fueled mosquito repellents take care of the little buggers and last forever.
Athens Airport Railway/Metro Station
New airport, new metro,
 it's all happening in Athens
The Athens Metro: Against all the odds, this is one of the most efficient, effective urban train services in Europe, and it’s cheap. It serves Piraeus port and Athens airport, although Piraeus trains are on the oldest line, and airport trains fall frequent victim to strikes, which are announced cheerfully, in advance, in English. 9E buys a 5-day pass (airport is extra).
Athens Airport and Aegean Airlines: The relatively new airport and Olympic Airlines revamped as Aegean bring to mind a Venus-sprung birth more than a makeover. The airport sports miles of classy shopping and spacious gates, though bathrooms could be bigger and more prevalent. Aegean Airlines has plentiful free meals and super polite cabin staff (wake up American Airlines….)


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